My highlight of the year is year six camp.My favorite activity at camp is kayaking and sailing.Here are some videos and photos.
Wednesday, 12 December 2018
Goodbye fans
Hello fans I won't be posting for a while i will post again when schools starts.
My highlight of the year is year six camp.My favorite activity at camp is kayaking and sailing.Here are some videos and photos.
See you next year
My highlight of the year is year six camp.My favorite activity at camp is kayaking and sailing.Here are some videos and photos.
Recount Writing
Year 6 Camp
Walt: organise our ideas into a series of paragraphs.
Helpful Vocab
Burma Trail
Raft Building
Confidence Course
Princess Bride
Hug your Tan mamma
Bush Baseball
Killer Hill
Camp Concert
Survivor Island
Tuesday 2oth November 2018 - Friday 23rd November 2018
Introduction: (2-3 sentences)
Who? What? When? Where?
Make it exciting for your audience to read!
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On 20th of november 2018 All the year 6 that were going to camp had to come the school at 7 clock. Everyone was so excited,also everyone was talking to each other waiting for the bus and also waiting for everyone else to come in the hall. Then Mr Burt said a pray for us to be safe and have a fun time.Then everyone else came to the hall and the bus came to.
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Paragraph 1: (3-4 sentences)
What happened first? Getting to Camp what was the first thing you did? Hike?
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When we got on the bus the bus was new we could all tell by the condition there was new chairs and there was curtains,also we could make the chair go back,plus they had seatbelts. After that we were at kawau island. Next we went on killer kill, it was a really high hill.On the top of the hill we stopped and looked at the view.then we got down the hill.After that we had lunch then we got free team.
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Thankyou: (2-3 sentences)
Who would you like to thank for helping you at camp?
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I would just like to say thank you all for helping us have a great camp.
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Conclusion:: (2-3 sentences)
What did you enjoy? What did you learn?
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I learnt how to sail and abseil i loved kayaking.
Tuesday, 4 December 2018
Friday, 16 November 2018
Kawau island
Story Starters
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The wrong island
The Kawau Kat ferry has taken the wrong turn and dropped us off on a different island. Write whacky adventure about what happens when we land on the wrong island!
Wallaby take over
We arrive at the island and instead of seeing Peter and Erin (the camp leaders) on the wharf we see Wallabies! Write a whacky adventure about wallabies taking over the island.
The Haunted Mansion house
Governor Hobson’s ghost is said to still roams the halls of Mansion house. Write a spooky adventure about visiting the haunted mansion.
Start writing here:It was a sunny morning so all the year six girls and boys decided to go kawau island.Off we went on a bus.2 hours passed and we were still on our bus.
Finally we got off the bus and then we had to go on a ferry.We got on the ferry and then the ferry took the wrong turn we went to mansion island it was an abandoned island (but the mansion was not a abonded just the island)no one would dare to go to that island.We had no choice we had to go on that island we went in the mansion is was very freaky. First a chair knocked down the the lights off after that the doors shut and locked.”were trapped”said one of the students.Then all the students started screaming.One girl named Hazel could see and hear spirits .”The spirits are saying if you wanna get out of this mansion you have to find the three keys”Said Hazel.Then suddenly everyone stopped screaming “how did you know what they said” said Kat.”I can hear and see spirits”Said Hazel.”We have to find it the three keys now” said Kat.So off they went looking for the keys.They found one key in the attic ,after they found the other key under the bed ,the last key was the hardest to find the looked everywhere except for the forbidden room.So they went in Kat said”you go first Hazel to check if it safe.”ok”said Hazel.Then they went into the forbidden room the key was at the very top of the sealing was the key hanging off a rope then Kat jumped and grabbed it.They ran to the main room and then the ghost started talking then they were free when the got on the ferry they were surrounded by wallabys trying to take over.Then we got the ghost our friend to scare the wallybys away.
Then we got to kawau island and lived happily ever after.
Friday, 19 October 2018
Make a pendant
Walt:look for information in the text.
Make a Pendant 2.2.2000Responding to the textUse the text to figure out whether the Author would agree or disagree with the statements below.Check list ✓
Agree/ Disagree ✓ Questions ✓ Reflection ✓
Agree / Disagree Statement Agree/ Disagree Page Explanation and Evidence Making a Pendant is a fun thing to do all by yourself while your parents are at work. Disagree 23 Do this with an adult to help you. You can dry dough in the sun. Agree 23 Objects made from salt dough can be dried in the sun or in the oven. Salt dough can be used to make jewellery. Agree 22 Salt dough is easy to make , and you can use it to make yourself some great jewellery. It’s ok for your mixture to have lumpy bits. Disagree 23 Stir the mixture well until there are no lumps. Clear nail polish is useful when making a pendant. Agree 24 After you have colourd your object,brush it with three coats of clear nail polish to help it last. “Kuru” is a traditional Māori design for fish hook. Disagree 25 A straight pendant,sometimes worn in the ear.
Questions Answer here. Use evidence from the text. Why do you think the instructions say that you need an adult to help you? It is because you need to use the oven and you need to use the stove element, and you might leave the stove element on and burn down the house. Why do the pendants get coated in “clear” nail polish instead of “coloured” nail polish? Pendants get coated in clear nail polish instead of coloured nail polish because when you use clear nail polish you can see what you have designed and that way you can still see your colour.
Reflect Is a salt dough pendant as special as a ‘real’ greenstone pendant? Why/ why not.Please explain what you think Yes because some people might treat a salt dough pendant as special as a green stone pendant.
Task description:For this task we had to agree and disagree but we had to have some proof.We got our information from this book called make a pendent.This was a easy task to do
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Decimal problems
Walt: use add/ sub strategies to solve tricky decimal problems.
Task description
For this google slide we had to solve decimal problems using measurement strategies.We had to play a game that might help with decimals.Here is the link for the game found this google slide hard the hardest problem for me is on the last slide.
Task description
For this google slide we had to solve decimal problems using measurement strategies.We had to play a game that might help with decimals.Here is the link for the game found this google slide hard the hardest problem for me is on the last slide.
Term 4 expectations
Walt: use correct sentences to help structure our writing.
The holidays are over and it is back to school. It is the first week of term 4, term 4 topic is about art.We had assembly like we do every Monday when it is back to school.
The topic is Te wai toi witch means art time so that means we are going to be doing art.This term is a busy term because we have camp,prizgiving,reports and athletics day and we have manaiakalani film festival ,I hope I learn about types of art around the world and Pablo Picasso, I hope I get better at report than last term.Over all this is going to be a busy and fun term.
The holidays are over and it is back to school. It is the first week of term 4, term 4 topic is about art.We had assembly like we do every Monday when it is back to school.
This term is more exciting than the other terms term because we have camp, manaiakalani film festival ,prize giving,athletes and more.I am looking forward to art , camp and the manaiakalani film festival this term.The topic name is Te wa toi witch means art time or time for art.I can not wait for camp.
My goal is to get better at art.Also I hope I get a better report then last term.My last goal is to get better at sport because sometimes I don't like sport.
I am hoping we learn about Pablo Picasso art.Also I am hoping to learn about types of art around the world.I hope we learn how to sketch because then our art would be better.We can also try to draw the types of art that we learned about.
Task description
For this task we had to wrote our goals and stuff that we hope to learn.We also learnt how to write a proper conclusion.This task was not hard or easy it was just in the middle of hard and easy.
Friday, 28 September 2018
Pick a path story
Walt: write a pick a path story.
Task description:We had to write a pick a path story.What is a pick a path story so you just go through the slides and then there will be links for the path you pick for the story.I hope you find Milsa's toy.
Task description:We had to write a pick a path story.What is a pick a path story so you just go through the slides and then there will be links for the path you pick for the story.I hope you find Milsa's toy.
Tuesday, 25 September 2018
Chicken Lv3.2011
Responding to the text
Use the text to figure out whether the Author would agree or disagree with the statements below.
Check list ✓
Agree/ Disagree
Agree / Disagree
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Agree/ Disagree
Explanation and Evidence
Alison didn’t know the “laughing boys” at the beginning of the story very well.
The laughing boys had gone ahead,disappearing up the dirt road.They are always leaving her behind.
Alison went into the tunnels because she wanted to prove she was brave.
If they thought she didn't have the guts to go in by herself just because she was a girl,they were wrong.
Alison thought she could make it back up the stairs because she thought Mike had already done it.
He never thought much before doing anything.He would have gone down.
The longer she was in the dark the more calm and confident Alison got.
She had to leave.The darkness was choking her.
The thought Alison would wait for them outside the tunnels.
I waited for them to come back but they left me no choice.
The boys didn’t go into the tunnels very far.
“How far into the tunnels did you go”?asked mike.”Right inside”,said Alison.”Almost to the end.
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