
Monday 22 November 2021

How things have changed coming back to school.

 Today is our first time back at school ever since lock down which is around 3 months.At first I was a bit anxious and paranoid but now that I am back at school I feel more confident about coming back to school.What do i think about coming back to school?I personally like coming back to school because I feel like I am more productive and I complete more school work then I would at home.At school there are new changes put in place to be more hygienic and also to help stop the possibility's of catching covid-19 or the delta virus.Some of the changes are wearing masks , social distancing and finishing school earlier.What are my thoughts about the changes?I sometimes forget about the changes and get annoyed about wearing a mask but I personally like the changes because it has good benefits that would help us students and staff not catch Covid and also to be safe in level 3 stage 2.