Specialised Field & Description
Andre Marie
Andre Marie was a French physicist.Andre Marie died in 10 June 1836.
Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was a Theoretical physicist.He also died 18 April 1955.
John Logie Baird
John Logie Baird was a Engineer.He died 14 June 1946.
Francis Crick
Francis crick was a British biologist.He died in 28 July 2004.
Rosalind-Franklin was a Chemist.She Died in 16 April 1958.
Niels Bohr
Niels Bohr was a Danish physicist. He died in 18 November 1962.
Barbara Mc Clinktock
Barbara McClinktock was a American scientist. She died in 2 September 1992.
Charles Drew
Charles Drew was a American surgeon.He died in 1 April 1950.
That chocolate does help your memory but not the way that chocolate only the cocoa bean helps you to remember things better so chocolate doesn't help you remember things.It also talks about how carrot helps you see in the dark but that does not mean eat 10 carrots a day.They are also researching people that may be false advertising.Also in the book it tells you how to find out if the chips that you are Low-fat chips or not.The chips that you eat may say it is low-fat chips but it may be false advertising.
Help you to find out if it is false or true.
Sometimes lie about their products.
Tell you what has high or low calories.
Have high calories.
I learnt a method of how to find out how to see the difference between high-fat and low-fat chips.I have also learnt that carrots can help you see in the dark but also scientists say that carrots can help you see in the dark and the carrots can’t help you at the same time so the answer is yes-no.I also learnt that some companies have false advertisement .I learnt that people had to lie about their products to get rich.