
Thursday 22 October 2020

Are cows bad for the environment

 Are cows bad for the environment? 

Brainstorm / planning

1 . Cows fart and burp and they release mathen into the atmosphere and make more greenhouse gasses.

2. Farmers use fertilizers to help their grasses grow to feed cows and the fertilizer can go into water bodies and make algae grow.

3. Farmers also chop down trees to make more space for their farm.

4. Cows waste can go into water bodies and can be a substance and contaminate the water.

Are cows bad for the environment? 

When was the last time you ate a dairy product or a hamburger?Well if you didn’t know we are eating more meat then we ever had.We are also breeding more and more cows to eat and to milk especially in New Zealand.Some of the reason cows are harmful because they are very flatulence , they need lots of grass so farmers use fertilizer , Farmers cut down trees to make more space for cows to eat.

Cows are very flatulence 

Cows are very flatulence which means they fart and burp a lot.The reason this is bad is because when cows fart and burp it releases a gas called methane.Methane is a greenhouse gas and the more greenhouse gasses we have the hotter the world will be. 

Farmers using fertilizers

Farmers using fertilizers is bad because when it rain the fertilizer on the plants or grass can go into water bodies.If fertilizer goes into water bodies it can make algae grow and if algae grows it will cover the top of the water bodie and it will make it harder for fishes and sea animals to live.It will also make the water dark and then more and more bacteria will grow.

Farmers cutting down trees

Farmers cut down trees to make more space for their cows.This is bad because trees absorb carbon dioxide and we are cutting down more and more trees which means now we have less trees to absorb carbon dioxide.This is also a greenhouse gas which means the greenhouse gasses are getting thicker and making the world a lot hotter this is also making sea levels higher.


This is why cows are bad for the environment because they take up space which means farmers have to cut down trees , they also need a lot of grass which means farmers use fertilizers and cows are also very flatulence which means they release a lot of methane into the atmosphere. Some people don’t eat any cow or dairy products because they understand that cows are bad for the environment.Now would you consider eating less meat and dairy products? 


  1. We could breed less cows

  2. Eat less dairy products and meats

  3. If we breed less cows we can use the rest of the farm places that the farmers are not using to grow trees

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